By Amy Nelson
K. Lee, Compass and the Gyroscope (Island, Washington, DC, 1993);
C. J. Walters, Adaptive Management of Renewable Resources, (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1986);
Gunderson, L. 1999. Resilience, flexibility and adaptive management – – antidotes for spurious certitude? Conservation Ecology 3(1): 7.
Holling, C.S. (editor) 1978. Adaptive environmental assessment and management. Chichester; J. Wiley; 377 p.
Johnson, B. L. (1999). “Introduction to the special feature: adaptive management – scientifically sound, socially challenged?” Conservation Ecology 3(1):10.
Manning, S. and Sam Pearsall (2005) “Creating an Adaptive Ecosystem Management Network Among Stakeholders of the Lower Roanoke River, North Carolina, USA.” Ecology and Society 10(2):16
Marmorek, D., and Peters, C. (2001). “Finding a PATH toward scientific collaboration: Insights from the Columbia River Basin.” Conservation Ecology 5(2): 8.
Olsson, P., C. Folke, and T. Hahn. 2004. “Social-ecological transformation for ecosystem management: the development of adaptive co-management of a wetland landscape in southern Sweden.” Ecology and Society 9(4): 2.
Sabine, E. , G. Schreiber, Andrew R. Bearlin, Simon J. Nicol and Charles R. Todd. “Adaptive management: a synthesis of current understanding and effective application.” Ecological Management & Restoration
Volume 5:177 – December 2004
Salafsky, Nick and Richard Margoulis and Kent Redford. 2001. Adaptive Management: A Tool for Conservation Practitioners
Walters, C. J., and R. Hilborn 1978. Ecological optimization and adaptive management. Ann. Rev. Ecol. Syst. 9:157-188.
Walters, C. J., and R. Hilborn 1976. Adaptive control of fishing systems. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 33:145-159.
Walters, C., Korman, J., Stevens, L.E. and Gold, B. (2000). “Ecosystem modelling for evaluation of adaptive management policies in the Grand Canyon.” Conservation Ecology 4(2): 1.
Walters, C. (1997). “Challenges in adaptive management of riparian and coastal ecosystems.” Conservation Ecology 1(2):1.
Williams, B.K. and F.A. Johnson. 1995. Adaptive management and the regulation of waterfowl. Wildlife Society Bulletin 23(3): 430-436.
1998 Ontario Forum on AM – “Adaptive Management- Linking Management and Science to Achieve Ecological Sustainability”
Collaborative Adaptive Management Network
The Ecosystem Management Initiative, housed at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, is working to create “a new generation of adaptive organizations by building on-the-ground capacity for evaluation and adaptive management.”
New Zealand’s Lincoln University presents an on-line adaptive management resource guide. The site includes an Introduction to adaptive management (Jacobson, C. (August 2003), examples of adaptive management programs by country, reports, papers, and numerous links.
The Center for Applied River Science at the River Institute presents an overview of adaptive management and an interesting discussion of its application to stream ecosystem restoration.