Water Resources Engineer Kayla Brown.

Kayla is originally from:


Favorite ecosystem:

My favorite ecosystem is tropical with plenty of trees, next to the ocean, and has plenty of wind to stay cool.


Favorite thing to do when not working:

When I am not working, I like to chill in my house and watch k-drama, listen to music, or do yoga.

Childhood career ambition:

At first, I wanted to be a doctor to help people, but I didn’t like to see blood. So, I decided to explore job opportunities that have chances of travel. That is when I came across engineering. It deals with math, innovative ideas and travel to different states and countries.

Kayla during her time as a Biohabitats intern helping to clean up the Ft. Dupont Stream and Wetland Restoration site.

Music that instantly puts Kayla in a good mood:

Either upbeat pop, country, or island music.

If Kayla could be a superhero, her superpower would be:

My superpower would be to fly, so that I may travel wherever I want to go and observe the scenery and take small detours as I go.


My stepdad has one Pitbull whose name is Mufasa from the Lion King.

Special passion:

My passion is to travel to as many countries as possible. My number one spot to go to is Japan.

Most memorable experience in nature:

The most memorable experience in nature is when I am traveling with my family and experiencing new activities.

Favorite food:

My favorite food to eat is pasta.



Further Reading

Meet Water Resources Engineer Kayla Brown
New Mexico Must Become a Catcher of Rain
Ripple Effects
Get to know Water Resources Engineer Jake Radeff
Meet Conservation Biologist Nolan Schillerstrom

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