The location of this project was an important one-mile segment of the Chattahoochee Riverlands greenway on the west bank of the River across from the City of Atlanta. Working with the Trust for Public Land (TPL), Biohabitats assessed wetlands, streams, invasive species presence and stormwater outfalls on the site and summarized the findings for review.
Working in collaboration with TPL, Biohabitats provided guidance for restoring or enhancing wetlands and collaborated with project partner Birds Georgia (formerly Georgia Audubon) to develop a strategy for controlling the invasive species found on the site. Biohabitats also analyzed 28 stormwater outfalls on the site and determined the most effective treatment options to improve water quality. Grant funds awarded to TPL were used to restore and enhance wetlands, improve stormwater runoff quality, and to promote stormwater infiltration and groundwater recharge.
Schematic design plans were developed for the final list of outfalls, along with an estimate of probable cost and a preliminary regulatory permit review.
Owner: Trust for Public Land - Georgia
Bioregion: Southeast Atlantic
Physiographic province: Piedmont