Located in the heart of Richmond, the 600-acre James River Park features rocks, rapids, meadows, forests, islands, and more than 22 miles of trails. The stretch of the James River that flows through the park is located along the geologic transition between the Piedmont and Coastal Plain physiographic provinces, making it a highly diverse ecosystem.
The park is visited by more than two million people each year, and its popularity presents challenges to its sustainability and maintenance. Stakeholders often refer to it as being “loved to death” as it draws a growing number of outdoor adventure enthusiasts. The park is also expanding as it acquires additional riverfront parcels, and a master plan crafted in 2019 includes a goal of ecological protection and restoration. To advance that goal, Biohabitats prepared a Natural Resources Management Plan.
The Biohabitats team reviewed existing data, met with park staff and stakeholders and conducted field assessments and analyses. The team characterized vegetative community composition, delineated landscape typologies, and identified and evaluated threats to significant ecological features and sensitive areas. Biohabitats also assessed public uses of the park and their impacts, current management practices and capacity, projects in progress, opportunities to increase equitable access, and pressures of development on the natural resources. To garner input related to management practices, Biohabitats developed a survey for park staff and volunteers, and facilitated discussions with Friends of James River Park (FOJRP), park staff, and key stakeholders. The final Natural Resources Management Plan helped FOJRP gain a full understanding of the park’s natural resources; identify and prioritize areas for conservation, restoration, and stewardship; and establish strategies and practices to sustain and recover the park’s unique natural character in balance with urban context.
Owner: Friends of James River Park