Check out the cover story of the July 4, 2011 issue of Engineering and News Record:

It’s ironic that ENR features this project in the same issue that lists the top green design firms.  Placing this project in the ravine and stream bed means it will have irreversible and devastating impacts to the stream valley, the aquatic habitat of the stream, fish passage, and riparian connectivity. By fragmenting the forest, it will also facilitate the invasion and spread of invasive species, change the microclimate of the stream valley and cause the extinction of forest interior dwelling species.  The effects the ponds will have on aquatic habitat will be many.  “A creek runs through it.” Will we ever learn?

Further Reading

Get to know Water Resources Engineer Jake Radeff
Meet Conservation Biologist Nolan Schillerstrom
Get to know Allyson Gibson, Biohabitats Extern
Get to Know Graphic Designer Joey Marshall
Evolution: A New Leadership Team for Biohabitats

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