Favorite ecosystem:
The spring-fed rivers in North Florida. So much going on with geology, water chemistry, and nature. The water clarity is outstanding, and you might swim up to a manatee, or an alligator or two.
Favorite thing to do when not working:
Role model:
James van Allen. He was a physics professor at Iowa, and designed the Voyager space probes. That work will outlast any of us. He taught me a lot about how to organize scientific data, and the importance of building a good library from different sources.

Childhood career ambition:
An oceanographer. I always wanted a career that was focused on water, so environmental engineering is not far off the mark!
Favorite book:
Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson.
Music that instantly puts Scott in a good mood:
If Scott could be a superhero, his superpower would be:
Time travel.
I adopted my dog Jax off death row at the pound. He’s a great dog!

Do you have any special talent/skill/passion that people may not be aware of?
I’m pretty good with a yo-yo or a frisbee.
Most memorable experience in nature:
Wilderness canoeing in the Boundary Waters of northern Minnesota.
Favorite food to make:
Bacon and fried eggs in my cast iron skillet.
Scott is originally from:
Somerset, Kentucky, in Pulaski County.