We should all be frightened by the recent article in the NY Times on Saturday; G.O.P. Pushes to Deregulate Environment at State Level. If these politicians think we can grow our way out of this economic downturn by further destroying the very life support systems that allow us to continue to live beyond our means then they are tragically mistaken.

The shortsighted economic gains by a very few will surely come back to haunt all of our children and grandchildren in unimaginable ways. Our natural resources provide fresh air, clean water and healthy soil. They moderate climate, provide flood protection and assimilate nutrients.  What our politicians continue to struggle with is that economy is directly related to ecology. I am not calling for more environmental regulations and I am not suggesting that there may be existing regulations that don’t make much sense; what I am saying is that we need politicians that are true leaders, not lemmings.

Further Reading

Get to know Water Resources Engineer Jake Radeff
Meet Conservation Biologist Nolan Schillerstrom
Get to know Allyson Gibson, Biohabitats Extern
Get to Know Graphic Designer Joey Marshall
Evolution: A New Leadership Team for Biohabitats

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